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Sunday, July 13, 2008

isak 2

The same model as the last sculpture, but a different pose. I think his head's too big :P


ladylulu said...

This is beautiful. I love the detail in his physique.

sukogirl said...

i agree with lulu. up to the veins in the hand even. wow! nice job. the head may be a little big, but you did an awesome job with it. and by making it a little big, it make him look more timid, i guess b/c his body looks smaller.

lanaconqueso said...

hey guys! thanks... the veins in the hand are a bit accidental, though I tend to make tool marks along the direction of the bones so that there are lines that make sense on the hand. He's sort of quiet in person so the bigger head doesn't look too out of place.

cignoh said...

ok this is bad, but i actually didn't realize last time that he was a he. but i agree w/ the others... very nice job. the head size doesn't bother me either. are you done working on him or will you keep working on him for another week or two?